
As engineers, we know that we should avoid reinventing the wheel. When we can, we want to use libraries written by other people to do some heavy-lifting for us. In this post, I’m going to share with you some things I learned on how to leverage existing libraries from DLLs (or any other files with COM type information like TLB or OCX files). Specifically, I’ll share some things I learned on my journey to figure out how to use Python to send a fax.


AutoHotkey (AHK) is a popular automation scripting language. Years ago, this was part of my automation toolbelt. Whether it was for making video game bots or business productivity. Fast-forward to this month. I came across a usecase where AHK would fit nicely. As I began writing some scripts, I lamented over the syntax and peculiar nature of matching modes, directives. I just wished I could have been writing the solution in Python.


Update: As of September 2017, AWS now officially supports sending emails as an alias Email communication is a critical part of any business. Amazon Workmail provides a convenient managed mail server to power your organization. Amazon Workmail also supports aliases for your users. This means you can setup aliases like and to be delivered to your inbox . However, anyone wishing to send email as one of their aliases may find this is quite as easy to accomplish as it was to setup your email alias.




Python wrapper for AutoHotkey. Harness the automation power of AutoHotkey with the beauty of Python.

Behave Webdriver

behave-webdriver is a selenium webdriver step library for the behave BDD testing framework


Owner and maintainer on the popular grequests package, originally authored by Kenneth Reitz


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